Thursday, September 19, 2013

Section 3 Comments 20130919

This section has a relaxed atmosphere which is conducive to learning.
This section is cool.
: Great! I definitely want students to come to a conducive-learning environment.

I don't like the quizzes. The homework is going to give me gray hairs at age 18. Tim/John*, you're a cool TA though.
*Inside joke
The section is helpful, but I don't like the quizzes. We should do more exercises.
Do the quizzes count as a grade?
: I don't like the quizzes either, but you probably need them.
: Yes, the quizzes are factored into your grade.

The differentials involving population are quite difficult.
: We'll have to talk about that some time.

I hate trigonometry.
: There's a saying: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." You'll need trigonometry to answer calculus questions. So while you don't have to like it, you have to use it.

Lol. This section seems short.
: It is short. I could probably go on talking for another hour.
I immensely dislike section 8.2. I like this exercise, it was helpful.
- I agree! Even though it showed me how little I know.
I think [this exercise] is a good learning experience.

The homework takes up too many pieces of looseleaf - too many trees killed.
: The number of pages used depends on many factors. Some people make their homework too short (1 page) and others make their homework too long (using only one side of each sheet, yikes!)
: One way to save paper is to do your work on a whiteboard or chalkboard and then neatly write up the final solution. You might also be able to find scratch paper to work your problems on, before neatly writing the final solution.
: While trees are undoubtedly being killed to make paper, perhaps the trees are being grown for commercial use, like cows on a farm. Certainly this doesn't make killing them right, but using paper might not be as environmentally hazardous as you may think. In fact, it may be true that using a certain amount of trees might promote new growth in dense forests. After all, only so many trees can live in a certain area.

We should go over more of the homework problems!
We should go over homework.
This section is cool. We should go over the homework.
This section is good. It would be helpful if you answered our homework like last time.
This section would be better if we reviewed the stuff we did in class and the stuff in the textbook. It would help me more that way. Also going over the homework would help too.
We should definitely go over the homework! Section is too cool for school.
Where is the math help room?
: We only have 50 minutes to do so many problems and go over so many concepts. It would be much more effective if you spent some time in the Math Help Room.
: Math Help Room is in Krieger 213. It's open from 9am to 9pm M-Th and 9am to 5pm F.
: The information is repeated here:
: The schedule is posted here:

It's a chill section, but I wish we spend more time reviewing the math we were supposed to learn in lecture.
Tim, I don't get this section at all... especially the equilibrium things.
This section is a little difficult, but helpful. I wish we went over concepts that we learned in class instead of solving individual problems.
I like the section but I'd like if we reviewed concepts from the textbook sections we're doing. For example, like equilibrium.
This section would be better if we reviewed the stuff we did in class and the stuff in the textbook. It would help me more that way. Also going over the homework would help too.
This section is cool, but I don't understand the class material so I wish we could review that more if possible.
: You may ask conceptual questions in class if I don't talk about them myself. I'll try to keep this in mind.

8.2 was more or less fine. Honestly lectures made no sense until equilibrium points. There were too many variables and the material was covered too quickly. I can do the math, but I find it irrelevant to real life. I wish its purpose would be expanded upon.
: I understand the desire to give a meaning to every mathematical concept you learn, however its not always feasible to immediately present applications of a concept.

Tim thinks he's Batman.
: Or maybe I want you to think I think I'm Batman, because I am.

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